Young women break down stereotypes and get excited about technology

October 30, 2023

A strong community"I tried to make it twerk," says one of the young women. Sidsel Lindved Møller, who has just started her master's degree in design and innovation, helps the young women program the robotic arms. Every evening, a bus picks up the young women and takes them to a hostel where they spend the night. Some have never held a screwdriver before, while others already have a lot of experience," says Sidsel Lindved Møller. The day concludes with the announcement of the Engineering Camp's winner, awarded to the group of young women who has scored the most points in the camp's competitions and quizzes.

A strong community

"I tried to make it twerk," says one of the young women. In front of her is a white robotic arm that she can make dance to music using a computer.

Sidsel Lindved Møller, who has just started her master's degree in design and innovation, helps the young women program the robotic arms.

"Some of us women have different interests than many of the men, but that's precisely what contributes to progress. We should inspire each other with our different backgrounds," says Sidsel Lindved Møller.

Every evening, a bus picks up the young women and takes them to a hostel where they spend the night.

"The first evening at the hostel, they all sat together playing cards. It was amazing to see how quickly a sense of community was created. They're really good at helping each other. Some have never held a screwdriver before, while others already have a lot of experience," says Sidsel Lindved Møller.

The day concludes with the announcement of the Engineering Camp's winner, awarded to the group of young women who has scored the most points in the camp's competitions and quizzes.

The source of this news is from Technical University of Denmark