TUM and LMU open Konrad Zuse School

July 28, 2023

Focus on education and researchThe Zuse School relAI offers masters and Ph.D. students at TUM and LMU an individual educational and research program to complement existing teaching activities. Through a number of modules, they will be trained in the end-to-end development of reliable AI systems. Every year we can offer 15 places in master’s programs and 10 doctoral positions,” says Gitta Kutyniok, a founding director of the Konrad Zuse School relAI and holder of the Chair for Mathematical Foundations of Artificial Intelligence at LMU. We need to develop more secure and resilient AI systems that operate in accordance with our values. By educating responsible visionaries, the Zuse School relAI will ensure the sustainable strength of this unique ecosystem.

Focus on education and research

The Zuse School relAI offers masters and Ph.D. students at TUM and LMU an individual educational and research program to complement existing teaching activities.

“Our students and doctoral candidates will benefit from the expertise of the two excellence universities. Through a number of modules, they will be trained in the end-to-end development of reliable AI systems. At present we have eight master’s students and 20 doctoral candidates. Every year we can offer 15 places in master’s programs and 10 doctoral positions,” says Gitta Kutyniok, a founding director of the Konrad Zuse School relAI and holder of the Chair for Mathematical Foundations of Artificial Intelligence at LMU.

The key research areas at the Zuse School relAI will combine mathematical and algorithmic fundamentals with the application fields of medicine and healthcare, robotics and interacting systems as well as algorithmic decision making. Each of these four areas covers key issues of reliable AI: safety, security, privacy and responsibility.

“The new Konrad Zuse School of Excellence in Reliable AI is the next cornerstone for Bavaria’s ongoing success as Europe’s AI powerhouse: as a globally networked hub linking international, leading-edge research and innovative teaching, relAI pools the excellence of the two best universities in Germany to make AI even more reliable and trustworthy. We need to develop more secure and resilient AI systems that operate in accordance with our values. We in the State of Bavaria are leading the way: thanks to our 5.5 billion euro Hightech Agenda, Bavaria is one of the top three AI regions in the world. By educating responsible visionaries, the Zuse School relAI will ensure the sustainable strength of this unique ecosystem. I wish you every success!”, says science minister Markus Blume.

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