„Standing Up & Speaking Out for Democracy"

January 31, 2024

Enlarge Amy Gutman, Ambassador of the United States of America | © LMU / LC ProductionsEighty-one years ago, Hans and Sophie Scholl, brother and sister, members of the “White Rose” resistance group and students at LMU, were executed in Stadelheim Prison together with their friend Christoph Probst. The annual ceremony to commemorate the “White Rose” recalls the legacy of all who fought in the resistance against the National Socialists’ reign of terror. This year’s Memorial Lecture was delivered by Amy Gutmann, Ambassador of the United States of America. In her speech, Dr. Gutmann affirmed that “Democratic education propels both people and societies forward. For our democracies to endure, we must educate better, and stand up and speak out more often, against all disinformation and hate mongering, and the cruelty that it generates.”

Amy Gutman, Ambassador of the United States of America | © LMU / LC Productions

Eighty-one years ago, Hans and Sophie Scholl, brother and sister, members of the “White Rose” resistance group and students at LMU, were executed in Stadelheim Prison together with their friend Christoph Probst. The annual ceremony to commemorate the “White Rose” recalls the legacy of all who fought in the resistance against the National Socialists’ reign of terror. This year’s Memorial Lecture was delivered by Amy Gutmann, Ambassador of the United States of America.

In her speech, Dr. Gutmann affirmed that “Democratic education propels both people and societies forward. For our democracies to endure, we must educate better, and stand up and speak out more often, against all disinformation and hate mongering, and the cruelty that it generates.”

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