Open Day with the Mouse

October 06, 2023

Discovering the world of quanta, information technologies and supercomputersVisitors also got to know quantum computing at several stands. In addition to technical lectures, experiments and tours for both young and adult guests, children also enjoyed the live audio play "Alice in Quantum Land” and built their own mobile phone spectrometers. A very special highlight of the day was the spontaneous public lecture held by the brand new Nobel laureate Ferenc Krausz at the Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics in Garching. The treasure hunt for kids put on at the LRZ by the Open Search Foundation (OSF), focused on safe and transparent searching in the internet, was also very popular. The objective: Building cunning knowledge of IT security and always staying a step ahead of the attackers.

Discovering the world of quanta, information technologies and supercomputers

Visitors also got to know quantum computing at several stands. In addition to technical lectures, experiments and tours for both young and adult guests, children also enjoyed the live audio play "Alice in Quantum Land” and built their own mobile phone spectrometers.

A very special highlight of the day was the spontaneous public lecture held by the brand new Nobel laureate Ferenc Krausz at the Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics in Garching.

At the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ), a total of 700 guests, young and old, saw one of the first quantum computers and the supercomputer SuperMUC-NG, whose 311,040 computing nodes make it one of the fastest supercomputers in Europe. Another hit, at the LRZ visualization center, was booked out to the last seat: impressive 3D visualizations exploring our universe, the human organism and tiny primeval creatures. The treasure hunt for kids put on at the LRZ by the Open Search Foundation (OSF), focused on safe and transparent searching in the internet, was also very popular.

Visitors to the Fraunhofer Institutes’s activities enjoyed a program that included uncovering deepfakes, cracking a safe as well as athletic activity at the Cyberkicker table soccer simulator, which illustrated all the aspects of cybersecurity. In addition, guests got to know the Institute's namesake Joseph von Fraunhofer "up close and personal", learned what neural networks are and how programming works. At the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied and Integrated Security (AISEC) about 100 children and parents stepped into the world of malicious IT nerds, whom they stopped in their tracks. Participants, both children and adults, learned about how Artificial Intelligence can falsify images and sounds, saw how safes can be cracked with targeted attacks and solved puzzles from the world of quanta. The objective: Building cunning knowledge of IT security and always staying a step ahead of the attackers.

Children and adults visiting the Fraunhofer Institute for Casting, Composite and Processing Technology (IGCV) program got an insight into the world of casting technologies and were able to cast their own "Mouse and Elefant" medallions depicting the famous duo from the children's television series.

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