New center for digital education technologies

July 06, 2023

Designing more personalized education"Hardly any other German university consolidates education sciences, computer sciences and data sciences with this impressive degree of strength to create value. Accordingly the TUM Center for Educational Technologies is also a part of the Excellence Strategy of the German federal and state governments. We want to leverage this potential and want to redefine learning and teaching with new technologies," says Prof. Thomas F. Hofmann, President of TUM. We want to show when using these technologies makes sense and how they can result in success," says education scientist Prof. Tina Seidel, Co-Director of the TUM Center for Educational Technologies. Computer scientist and Co-Director Prof. Enkelejda Kasneci says: "Technologies let us make education much more personal and much more participative.

Designing more personalized education

"Hardly any other German university consolidates education sciences, computer sciences and data sciences with this impressive degree of strength to create value. Accordingly the TUM Center for Educational Technologies is also a part of the Excellence Strategy of the German federal and state governments. We want to leverage this potential and want to redefine learning and teaching with new technologies," says Prof. Thomas F. Hofmann, President of TUM. "Education is the key to securing the future of our nation."

"School lesson design is often out of step with the worlds in which the children and youth of today live. Digital technologies should therefore be a standard part of teaching. We want to show when using these technologies makes sense and how they can result in success," says education scientist Prof. Tina Seidel, Co-Director of the TUM Center for Educational Technologies. "The tools are not meant to replace teachers, but rather to support them – a topic which is all the more urgent given the current shortage of qualified personnel."

Computer scientist and Co-Director Prof. Enkelejda Kasneci says: "Technologies let us make education much more personal and much more participative. When students receive individual support, the result can reduce the importance of their origin, their previous knowledge and the conditions at their educational facilities. And ultimately it can increase their motivation, since technology is always available and never loses its patience."

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