How to fail productively

March 11, 2024

says trainee physics lab technician Samira. The challenge: Each team member comes from a different apprenticeship - polymechanic, physics lab technician, electronics technician and design engineer. Lots of ideas, little time"We quickly came up with lots of ideas," says Samuele, a physics lab technician in training. "We spent too long thinking about what exactly we wanted to do," says Tobias, a trainee electronics technician. As a result, the maze team lost valuable time.

"It's great to be able to do something different from what you're used to!" says trainee physics lab technician Samira. Together with eight other students from the physics department, she was looking forward to the pilot project Physics4mation.

Their task: to build an interactive exhibit for the careers fair as a team within three months. The challenge: Each team member comes from a different apprenticeship - polymechanic, physics lab technician, electronics technician and design engineer.

Lots of ideas, little time

"We quickly came up with lots of ideas," says Samuele, a physics lab technician in training. His team built a ball maze with time measurement capability. "We spent too long thinking about what exactly we wanted to do," says Tobias, a trainee electronics technician. As a result, the maze team lost valuable time.

The source of this news is from ETH Zurich