Eleven TUM scientists among the Highly Cited Researchers

November 19, 2023

Eleven TUM researchers belong to the world's most frequently cited scientists. Their names can be found in the latest Highly Cited Researchers rankings. To identify the most highly cited researchers, each year the US company Clarivate analyzes its Web of Science database, which covers scientific publications in a broad range of disciplines. The latest evaluation lists the scientists who were cited most frequently in their subject areas in the period from 2012 to 2022. Researchers who are frequently cited in multiple fields are listed in the Cross-Field category.

Eleven TUM researchers belong to the world's most frequently cited scientists. Their names can be found in the latest Highly Cited Researchers rankings.

Scientists cite the most important works previously published on the respective topic when writing their papers. This means the total number of times a paper is cited is a good indicator of the quality of the research behind it. To identify the most highly cited researchers, each year the US company Clarivate analyzes its Web of Science database, which covers scientific publications in a broad range of disciplines.

The latest evaluation lists the scientists who were cited most frequently in their subject areas in the period from 2012 to 2022. Researchers who are frequently cited in multiple fields are listed in the Cross-Field category. The list contains the names of about 7,000 persons in no specific order, including the following TUM researchers:


Biology und Biochemistry:


Clinical Medicine:

Psychiatry and Psychology:

In addition, Prof. Laura Herz is among the Highly Cited Researchers in the Cross-Field category. The University of Oxford physicist is currently a fellow at the TUM Institute for Advanced Study.

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