DTU opens up for the use of artificial intelligence in teaching

January 29, 2024

AI at DTUGuidelines for the use of AIIt must be clearly stated if something in an assignment is not your own product. AI can generate output that is inaccurate or incorrect. You are responsible for the quality of your work and the correctness of what you submit. An exam with 'All aids, but not internet access' means that you are not allowed to use AI. DTU endorses the scientific publisher Elsevier's guidelines for the use of AI.


Guidelines for the use of AI

It must be clearly stated if something in an assignment is not your own product. If you do not, it is considered cheating, cf. DTU's honor code, rules for good academic practice and exam cheating.

  • AI can generate output that is inaccurate or incorrect. AI is only an aid. You are responsible for the quality of your work and the correctness of what you submit.
  • AI-generated output may contain copyrighted material without acknowledgement. It is your responsibility to ensure that you do not infringe any copyrights.
  • AI can be biased and trained with opinions. Therefore, you should always be critical of its output.
  • AI reuses the information you feed it. Therefore, you should avoid providing sensitive information.
  • An exam with 'All aids, but not internet access' means that you are not allowed to use AI.

DTU endorses the scientific publisher Elsevier's guidelines for the use of AI.

The source of this news is from Technical University of Denmark