
Feb 28 2023

PhD Students and Sun Wukong: Hilarious Similarities You Never Knew Existed

Joking Man

Indeed events

Greetings, dear readers! Today we're going to explore some hilarious similarities between PhD students and the one and only Sun Wukong, the legendary Monkey King. Yes, you heard it right. PhD students and Sun Wukong may seem like two very different entities, but they have more in common than you might think. So, let's dive into the funny world of academia and ancient Chinese mythology!


First, let's talk about perseverance. Pursuing a PhD degree can take years of hard work and dedication, and requires a lot of perseverance. Similarly, Sun Wukong is known for his persistence and determination in overcoming challenges. But what's funny about it? Well, imagine a PhD student who's been working on their dissertation for years, just like Sun Wukong who was trapped under a mountain for centuries. And just like Sun Wukong, PhD students often have to battle their own demons (a.k.a. procrastination, self-doubt, imposter syndrome) to achieve their goals. So, if you see a PhD student with a monkey mask on, don't be surprised - they're just channeling their inner Monkey King.


Second, let's talk about intelligence. Both PhD students and Sun Wukong are known for their intelligence. PhD students are highly educated and skilled in their field of study, while Sun Wukong is known for his cleverness and ability to outsmart his opponents. But what's funny about it? Well, have you ever seen a PhD student in their natural habitat? They're often hunched over their laptop or buried in a pile of books, trying to come up with innovative ideas and solutions to complex problems. And just like Sun Wukong, they have to use their wits to navigate the treacherous waters of academia. So, if you see a PhD student sporting a pair of monkey ears, don't be surprised - they're just tapping into their inner Monkey King.


Third, let's talk about tenacity. Both PhD students and Sun Wukong are known for their tenacity. PhD students must have a tenacious attitude towards their research and studies, while Sun Wukong is famous for his unwavering determination and resolve. But what's funny about it? Well, imagine a PhD student who's been working on their thesis for years, just like Sun Wukong who fought against the gods for his freedom. And just like Sun Wukong, PhD students often have to face seemingly insurmountable obstacles (a.k.a. the dissertation committee) to achieve their goals. So, if you see a PhD student carrying a staff and wearing a golden headband, don't be surprised - they're just embracing their inner Monkey King.


Last but not least, let's talk about creativity. Both PhD students and Sun Wukong require creativity in their endeavors. PhD students must often come up with innovative solutions and ideas to push the boundaries of knowledge in their field, while Sun Wukong is known for his creative use of his powers and abilities to overcome obstacles. But what's funny about it? Well, have you ever seen a PhD student during their brainstorming sessions? They often look like they're summoning the powers of the universe, just like Sun Wukong who could transform into any creature or object he wanted. And just like Sun Wukong, PhD students have to be creative to stand out in a sea of similar research topics. So, if you see a PhD student wearing a red cape and flying around the campus, don't be surprised - they're just unleashing their inner Monkey King.


In conclusion, while PhD students and Sun Wukong may seem vastly different on the surface, they share some amusing similarities that are worth exploring. From their perseverance to their intelligence, from their tenacity.

Tags: PhD Student like a money
