KOSPIE Combined study and practice stays for engineers from developing countries Tunesia • DAAD

Germany Universities
August 31, 2023
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KOSPIE Combined study and practice stays for engineers from developing

countries Tunesia • DAAD

Status: Undergraduates Graduates
Country of Origin: Only specified The scholarship for this programme is restricted to certain countries of origin. You can find an explanation for this on the details page of the scholarship programme under the application requirements.
Subject: See list Applicable to the following disciplines: Mathematics/Natural Sciences Engineering

Further application requirements »

  • Overview
  • Application requirements
  • Application Procedure
  • Contact and Consulting
  • Submitting an application
  • Please note: The usage of the application portal is possible only to a limited extent with mobile devices. Please use your desktop computer. Technical requirements


    Eine Druckversion dieser Ausschreibung (PDF) steht Ihnen in den weiteren Registerkarten (z.B. „Bewerbungsvoraussetzungen“) zur Verfügung.

    A print version of this announcement (PDF) is available in the further tabs (e.g. “Application requirements”).


    As part of this programme, young students from Tunisia from engineering subjects and informatics complete a 6 month study and practical stay at selected German universities to carry out their final thesis project. The selected German universities are Technische Universität Chemnitz, Technische Universität Dresden, Hochschule Offenburg, Universität Passau and Universität Stuttgart (eligible for students enrolled at the École Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Tunis (ENIT) only).

    The following programme objectives are derived from the long-term developmental impacts sought: Scholarship holders enhance (a) their scientific and technical skills, (b) their practical ability and (c) their general and intercultural competence

    Who can apply?

    Master’s students resp. diploma students enrolled in the Engineering Sciences at a state or state-recognised university in Tunisia resp. at the École Nationale d’Ingénieurs de Tunis (ENIT) for the Universität Stuttgart.

    What can be funded?

    Applicants have the choice between the following host institutions:

    Technische Universität Chemnitz Professorship Measurement and Sensor Technology Further information

    Technische Universität Dresden Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering Faculty of Computer Science Faculty of Mechanical Science and Engineering Faculty of Architecture Faculty of Business and Economics Faculty of Civil Engineering Faculty of Environmental Sciences “Friedrich List” Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences Further information

    Hochschule Offenburg Institute for Machine Learning and Analytics Institute of Reliable Embedded Systems and Communication Electronics Institute of Sustainable Energy Hahn-Schickard Institute for Micro and Information Technology Further information

    Universität Passau Faculty of Computer Science and Mathematics Further information

    Universität Stuttgart (For students from École Nationale d’Ingénieurs de Tunis only) Department of Hydromechanics and Modelling of Hydrosystems (LH2) of the Institute for Modelling Hydraulic and Environmental Systems (IWS) Further information

    Duration of the funding

    The duration of funding is 6 months and cannot be shorter. The funding can begin no earlier than January 01, 2023 and must be completed no later than August 31, 2023.

    Fixed start of funding according to the host higher education institutions TU Chemnitz: between January 01, 2023 and March 01, 2023 TU Dresden: February 01, 2023 Hochschule Offenburg: March 01, 2023 Universität Passau: March 01, 2023 Universität Stuttgart: between February 01, 2023 and March 01, 2023

  • Scholarship payments of 861 EUR a month
  • Payments towards health, accident and personal liability insurance cover
  • Travel allowance
  • Please note that the DAAD does not cover semester or tuition fees and that they have to be paid by the scholarship holder her- or himself.

    The following host higher education institutions require semester fees for enrolment and it is necessary to apply for a student visa :

  • Technische Universität Dresden
  • Technische Universität Chemnitz
  • Universität Passau
  • The following host higher education institutions do not require enrolment and it is necessary to apply for an internship visa :

  • Hochschule für Technik, Wirtschaft und Medien Offenburg
  • Universität Stuttgart
  • Selection

    An independent selection committee consisting of specialist scientists and academic representatives of the selected German host universities reviews applications.

    The universities reserve the right to contact applicants for video interviews before the final selection takes place.

    Selection criteria 1) Academic qualification Documented by: certificates, reference, curriculum vitae, language certificate:

  • Academic achievements and duration of studies
  • 2) Quality of the study project Documented by: letter of motivation, reference, proof of language proficiency:

  • Quality of project presentation and preparation (preliminary information, contact with host institution)
  • Reasons for choosing Germany (academic and personal reasons for the planned study project, choice of the host institution)
  • Integration of the stay in the academic career and the connection with academic or professional perspectives
  • 3) Additional criteria Documented by: curriculum vitae, if applicable, certificates:

  • Additional knowledge and skills (e.g. through professional or voluntary activities)
  • Involvement in academic self-governance, higher education policy issues
  • Political, social, cultural, family (parental leave or care periods, etc.), social commitment
  • Further information

    The focus of KOSPIE Tunisia is on the practice-oriented training of specialists and managers from Tunisia. The long-term goal of the scholarship programme is to contribute to the sustainable development of Tunisia. The beneficiaries of the programme should ideally later work in development- related areas and thus make a contribution to strengthening the private (and/or public) sector in their home countries. Alumni of the programme are prepared for the technical/professional requirements of their future work and the practice-oriented and international profile of the alumni increases their employability. They plan to apply their skills in a field of activity relevant to their home country or home region.

    For further information please see the following link: Call for Scholarship Application

    Application requirements What requirements must be met?
  • Proof of completion of the preparatory course for engineers (cycle préparatoire)
  • or

  • proof of admission to the engineering course (cycle d’ingénieur) with the aim of obtaining the engineering diploma (diplôme d’ingénieur) at a Tunisian university resp. at ENIT (Universität Stuttgart).
  • Language skills

    Very good knowledge of English (proof of language abilities; not older than 2 years; TOEFL iBT with at least 60, IELTS with at least 6.0, TOEIC Listening & Reading with at least 750).

    Application Procedure Application documents

    Certificates, proof of credits, certifications and translations may be scanned in non-certified form and uploaded to the DAAD portal. The DAAD reserves the right to request certified copies of the documents.

    Documents to be uploaded to the DAAD portal

  • Online application form
  • Copy of a personal identification document (e.g. passport, ID card etc.)
  • Full curriculum vitae in tabular form (max. 3 pages)
  • Statement about academic and personal reasons for the planned study project in Germany (letter of motivation; 1-3 pages)
  • Copy of school-leaving certificate which entitles holders to study at a university in the home country (with all individual grades)
  • All university certificates on all annual examinations with individual grade(s), incl. explanation of grading system
  • Proof of admission to an engineering programme at the home university resp. ENIT (Universität Stuttgart) or proof of successful examination of the cycle préparatoire (if applicable)
  • Proof of English language abilities, not older than 2 years (TOEFL iBT min. 60, IELTS min. 6.0, TOEIC Listening & Reading with at least 750)
  • Form “Selection of host higher education institution” for the preferred host higher education institutions in Germany signed by a university teacher of the applicant’s Tunisian home university resp. ENIT (Universität Stuttgart)
  • Proof that the academic achievements rendered in Germany will be recognised in the home country
  • Other documents you think might be of relevance to your application (e.g. certificates of employment, proof of placements)
  • German or English translations of documents submitted in the national language
  • Documents to be submitted by fax (see Application location)

  • One recent reference from a university teacher which provides information about your qualifications (hand-signed, no digital or scanned signature) and sent by the university teacher to DAAD Tunis by fax. Please regard the instructions given on the tab “Submitting an application“.
  • The application procedure occurs online through the DAAD portal. Please note that the access to the application portal only appears while the current application period is running. After the application deadline has expired, the portal for this programme is not available until the next application period. The access to the DAAD portal generally opens about 6 weeks before the application deadline at the latest.

    Application deadline

    Application deadlines are updated at least once a year. In most cases, they are in the same period as the previous year. You can find the current dates here:

    April 28, 2022

    Application location

    DAAD Portal

    Only for references (by fax): DAAD Büro/Bureau Tunis Fax: ++216 70201340

    Please note
  • Your application is only valid if you submit all the required documents to the DAAD portal on time.
  • The DAAD portal closes at 24.00 hrs. (CET or CEST) on the last application day.
  • Incomplete applications cannot be considered. Applicants are responsible for ensuring that their applications are complete.
  • The application documents remain with the DAAD. Data relating to applicants is saved by the DAAD in accordance with the Federal Data Protection Act and with the EU Data Protection Regulation insofar as this data is needed to process the application.
  • Contact and Consulting Information and advisory centres

    DAAD For general matters regarding your application DAAD Büro/ Bureau Tunis 14, Rue 18 janvier 1952 Immeuble KOOLI 1000 Tunis Tunisia

    Tel.: +216 71 240 833 Fax: +216 71 240 831 Email: [email protected]

    Technische Universität Chemnitz For subject-related matters Ms. Prof. Olfa Kanoun Chemnitz University of Technology Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology Professorship Measurement and Sensor Technology Reichenhainer Straße 70 09126 Chemnitz Germany

    Tel: +49 (0)371 531-36931 Fax: +49 (0)371 531-836931 E-Mail: [email protected]

    Homepage: https: // www. tu-chemnitz.de/etit/messtech/index.php.en

    Technische Universität Dresden For administrative-related matters Ms. Cornelia Hesse (Coordinator) and Ms. Luise Thailheim (Assistant) Technische Universität Dresden Directorate 8 / Unit 8.3 International Office Bürogebäude Strehlener Str. (BSS), Room 641 01062 Dresden Germany

    Tel.: +49 351 463-36330 and +49 351 463-32442 Fax: +49 351 463-37738 E-mail Ms. Hesse: [email protected] E-mail Ms. Thalheim: [email protected]

    Homepage: https: // tu-dresden.de/studium/vor-dem- studium/internationales/stipendien/daad-kospie-tunesien

    Hochschule Offenburg Für subject-related matters Mr. Prof. Dr.-Eng. Axel Sikora Hochschule Offenburg Institute of Reliable Embedded Systems and Communication Electronics (ivESK) Badstraße 24 77652 Offenburg

    Tel.: +49-781-205-416 Fax: +49-781-205-45-416 E-mail: [email protected]

    Homepage: https: // ivesk.hs-offenburg.de; https: // www. hs-offenburg.de/sikora

    For administrative-related matters Ms. Denise Emard Hochschule Offenburg International Office – Incoming Students Badstraße 24 77652 Offenburg

    Tel.: +49-781-205-4800 Fax: +49-781-205-45-480 E-mail: [email protected]

    Homepage: https: // www. hs-offenburg.de/international/ueber-uns/team-int

    Universität Passau For subject-related matters Mr. Prof. Harald Kosch Faculty of Informatics and Mathematics Chair of Distributed Information Systems Innstr. 43 94032 Passau Germany

    Tel.: +49 (0)851/509-3060 E-mail: [email protected]

    For administrative-related matters Ms. Heidi Würdig Vice Head of the International Office Room VW 107 Innstr. 41 94032 Passau

    Tel. : +49 (0)851/509-1163 Fax : +49 (0)851/509-1164 E-mail: [email protected]

    For administrative-related matters Ms. Stefanie Dallmeier Head of the International Office Room VW 108 Innstr. 41 94032 Passau

    Tel.: +49 (0)851/509-1165 Fax: +49 (0)851/509-1164 E-mail: [email protected]

    Homepage: https: // www. fim.uni-passau.de/en/csm-faculty/

    Universität Stuttgart Ecole Nationale d’Ingénieurs de Tunis (ENIT) For subject-related matters Ms. Dr.-Eng. Emna Mejri (Post-doctoral researcher) École Nationale d’Ingénieurs de Tunis (ENIT) Institut de Recherche pour le Développement(IRD)/ Room: LMHE, Tour Osman Bahri, 1. Floor Campus Universitaire Farhat Hached El Manar BP 37, Le Belvedere 1002 Tunis Tunisia

    Tel.: +216 95 408 102 E-mail: [email protected]

    Universität Stuttgart For subject-related matters Mrs. Patrizia Ambrisi Public Relations SFB 1313 Visualization Research Center of the University of Stuttgart (VISUS) Room 1.033 Allmandring 19 70569 Stuttgart Germany

    Tel.: +49 711 685-88612 Email: [email protected]

    For administrative-related matters Mrs. Stefanie Siegert Administration LH2 Institute for Modelling Hydraulic and Environmenal Systems, Department of Hydromechanics and Modelling of Hydrosystems Room 1.014 Pfaffenwaldring 61 70569 Stuttgart Germany

    Tel.: +49 711 685- 64749 Email: [email protected]

    Homepage: https: // www. iws.uni-stuttgart.de/en/lb/

    Submitting an application General information on the application via DAAD portal

    You can access the DAAD portal by clicking "Application portal" at the end of the page. Here you will find an online application form in which you can enter your application data.

    This is what you have to do:

    1. Register in the DAAD portal (Read notes about registering in the portal >>)

    2. Request references The form, which has to be completed by a referee, has to be generated in the DAAD portal in the section "Request reference" after registration and downloaded. Please send the form by e-mail to your referee and ask for the completed reference form to be returned to you in a sealed envelope. In each case, please provide your referee with the application address thus enabling him/her to send the recommendation letter there direct.

    Please note that the form for completion by a referee can only be generated during the application period (from about 6 weeks before the application deadline). Please generate one form for each referee. The reference is confidential and may not be viewed by the applicant!

    3. Applying online in the DAAD portal (Read notes on applying in the portal >>)

  • Download and complete the online application form
  • Prepare application documents
  • If necessary, translate documents (unless they are already in German or English).
  • Scan paper documents (except references) and save in PDF format. Please note that you can only upload PDF files to the portal.
  • Upload the completed application form and the other application documents to the portal in PDF format. Translations, if applicable, should be uploaded together with the document issued in the original language.
  • Submit the uploaded application documents online.
  • Information for applicants from non-EU countries: Please remember to specify the exact contents of your postal consignment in the documents for the customs authorities, e.g. "Application for a scholarship with application documents, a reference and a DVD with work samples (no commercial goods, no merchandise value, no insurable value)".

    Please note: If you have any technical questions or problems your local information and advice centres could not help you with, please do not hesitate to contact our technical Portal hotline: +49 (0228) 882-8888 or via e-mail [email protected], open every weekday from 9.00 am to 12.00 pm and from 2.00 pm to 4.00 pm (CET). Please consider this when you are planning your application.

    Currently you cannot apply for this programme. Please note the application deadline specified under the Application procedure tab.

    Status: Undergraduates Graduates
    Country of Origin: Only specified The scholarship for this programme is restricted to certain countries of origin. You can find an explanation for this on the details page of the scholarship programme under the application requirements.
    Subject: See list Applicable to the following disciplines: Mathematics/Natural Sciences Engineering

    Further application requirements »

    Please also take note of our important scholarship information.

    Please select your status and your country of origin to enable you to

    submit an application


    „Country of origin“ is the country in which you are living and from which you are applying. If you come from another country, please contact us to find out whether you are eligible for the programme of your choice. More Information


    Graduates are people who already have at least one first academic degree, e.g. Bachelor.

    Your status and/or country of origin is not in the list? If your status and/or country of origin is not included in the list, you cannot apply for this scholarship programme. To ensure that only scholarship programmes for which you are eligible to apply are shown, please select your status and your country of origin in the results list (left-hand column).

    Copy this link:

    Copy this link: daad.de/go/en/stipa57593632

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