Erasmus+ for Studies in the United Kingdom

Leiden University
May 31, 2023
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Erasmus+ for Studies in the United Kingdom

You can apply for an Erasmus+ study grant if you are a Bachelor/Master/PhD student and want to follow part of your study programme or conduct research at a partner university in the UK. Funding extends till May 2023 only, so any activities after this date will not be funded.


Two months before the start date of your Erasmus+ period

Target group

Bachelor, Master, PhD

Countries/ nationalities

For study or research in the UK

Scholarship type

Study, Research


Archaeology, Humanities, Medicine/LUMC, Governance and Global Affairs, Law, Social and Behavioural Sciences, Science, Interfacultair Centrum voor Lerarenopleiding, Onderwijsontwikkeling en Nascholing (ICLON), African Studies Centre, International Institute for Asian Studies
Leiden University travel policy

You may only go abroad for study-related activities to destinations to which travel is permitted according to Leiden University’s travel policy. See the Study abroad - Health and Safety page for details.

Please note the following when applying for a scholarship:

  • If travel to your destination is not yet permitted according to Leiden University’s travel policy, you must still apply for a scholarship according to the deadlines. Do not delay your application waiting for the travel status to change.
  • You may only go abroad if travel to your destination is permitted on your day of departure according to Leiden University’s travel policy.
  • You will only receive your scholarship/grant payment at the latest 1 to 2 weeks before the start of your activity abroad and only if you are still permitted to travel to your destination according to Leiden University’s travel policy.
  • For who

    You must be a registered Bachelor, Master or PhD student at Leiden University, and at least in your second year of studies.

    Funding till May 2023 only

    Erasmus+ funding for exchange in the UK will expire on 31 May 2023. If your activity in the UK extends beyond this date, you will not receive any funding for this period.

    Not studying in the UK?

    If you want to apply for an Erasmus+ grant for studies in country other than the UK, please instead see the Erasmus+ for Studies page.

    Eligibility requirements
  • Your study or research must be a fully recognised part of your Bachelor, Master or PhD programme at Leiden University.
  • The receiving institution must hold an Erasmus+ inter-institutional agreement with Leiden University.
  • You must have an address in The Netherlands at the time of requesting the scholarship
  • You may apply for an Erasmus+ grant totalling up to a maximum of twelve months per study cycle (BA/MA/PhD).
  • The duration of your Erasmus+ period must be between 3 months (90 days) and 12 months (360 days). A duration of less than 90 days can only be accepted if your host institution uses a system of shorter semesters/trimesters.
  • Obligations
  • During your stay abroad you must continue to pay the statutory tuition fee to Leiden University.
  • You must complete an online language assessment before your Erasmus+ period.
  • You must complete an online participant report after your Erasmus+ period.
  • You must submit all the required documents on time before, during and after your Erasmus+ period (see the checklist below). Failure to do so will result in you being obliged to pay back the full Erasmus+ grant.
  • Scholarship amount

    The amount granted is calculated on the basis of the exact number of days spent abroad and the destination country. For exchange in the UK you will receive € 360 per month.

    Application process
  • Fill out the online application form but do not click on submit!
  • First save a copy of the online application form, then submit it. You cannot save the form once you have submitted it.
  • Sign the saved copy of the application form, then ask your faculty's International Exchange Coordinator to sign it.
  • At least two months before the start of your Erasmus+ period, send a copy (as one PDF file) of the fully-signed application form to [email protected]
  • Immediately after submitting your signed application form, fill out the Learning Agreement and sign it.
  • See steps 6 and 7 of the Erasmus+ Checklist administrative procedures - UK studies 2022-2023 for instructions.
  • If your application is approved, you will receive a decision letter and Grant Agreement by email before the start of your Erasmus+ period. Read the Grant Agreement carefully and sign it.
  • Take the First Language Assessment. You will receive an invitation for the assessment via email.
  • At least two weeks before the start of your Erasmus+ period, send the following items to [email protected]:
  • Copy of your signed Grant Agreement (as one PDF file)
  • Copy of your Learning Agreement, signed by yourself and both coordinators (as one PDF file)
  • The grant will be transferred to your bank account approximately 1 to 2 weeks before the start date of your period abroad. Note that grant payment is subject to Leiden University's travel policy for your destination at the time of departure.
  • Important
  • Make sure to download and carefully read the Erasmus+ Checklist of administrative procedures - UK studies 2022-2023 which need to be completed before, during and after your stay abroad.
  • If you cannot submit a required document on time due to circumstances beyond your control, notify the Scholarships Team via [email protected] as soon as possible and at least before the deadline in question.
  • Additional financial support for students with a disability and/or

    special needs

    If you have a disability and/or special needs and you are eligible for an Erasmus+ for studies grant, Leiden University can apply for additional financial support from the Erasmus+ programme on your behalf.

  • Read more detailed information about the application procedure and eligibility requirements, and download a financial support agreement form for students and staff with disabilities.
  • Background

    For more than 30 years, the European Union has funded the Erasmus+ programme, which has enabled over five million European students to spend part of their studies at another higher education institution or with an organisation in Europe.

    Disclaimer Leiden University

    The Scholarships Team of Leiden University is responsible for the administration of the Erasmus+ programme for outgoing student mobility. It is, however, at all times the responsibility of the student to ensure that all the required documents are complete, signed and submitted within the timelines given. If you do not submit the required documents on time, no claim can be made on the Erasmus+ grant and you will need to pay back the full Erasmus+ grant. Please note: If you have to return early you may have to pay back (part of) your Erasmus+ grant.

    Disclaimer European Commission

    Erasmus+ for Studies is funded with support from the European Commission. This publication (webpage) reflects the views only of the author. The European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained on this webpage.

  • European Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) Provides the general framework for the European cooperation activities, that a higher education institution (HEI) may carry out within the Erasmus+ programme.

  • Leiden University's European Policy Statement Sets out Leiden University's agenda on international mobility and collaboration and higher education modernisation.

  • Annex 2 - Learning Agreement for Studies UK 2022-2023

  • Annex 3 - Erasmus+ General Conditions Sets out the general conditions of the Erasmus+ grant agreement, with regard to liability, termination of the agreement, data protection and checks and audits.

  • Annex 4 - Erasmus+ Student Charter Highlights your rights and obligations as an Erasmus+ student.

  • Erasmus+ Checklist of administrative procedures - UK studies 2022-2023

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